Friday, February 12, 2016

Over and Under the Snow

Title: Over and Under the Snow

Author: Kate Messner, art by Christopher Silas Neal

Published: 2011

Pages: 36

Wow, who knew there was so much going on under the snow?  Over and Under the Snow was very informative for this Georgia girl!  

Under the snow is a whole secret kingdom, where the smallest forest animals stay safe and warm. 

Warm?  That's right.  When small pockets of air form under the fallen leaves, they become little tunnels called the Subnivean Zone.  This is where many animals like squirrels, mice, and voles live.  

Wrap yourself in an extra blanket and follow along on this beautifully illustrated and sweet tale.  Be sure to also check out the animal descriptions at the back of the book. 




  1. You are making so many books sound so appealing and our library is carrying them all. Yay! I'm checking this one out too.

    1. Yay, hope you like it.
      You wouldn't believe how many I have to go through to get to these good ones though. :)
