Monday, August 17, 2015

Rocks in His Head

Title: Rocks in His Head

Author: Carol Otis Hurst, Pictures by James Stevenson

Pages: 28

Published: 2001

One of the great things about writing this blog is that I can keep looking back at previous posts and saying, "I loved that book!"  Well, this one really has a special place in my heart because it is one of the first picture books that I checked out at the library when Lance was a baby.  We have since moved to a new town and I happened to spot it on a shelf at our new library.  My heart just raced when I saw it again.  

A boy tells the story of his father who loved to collect rocks.  Kids made fun of him as a young boy collecting rocks, and years later others warned him that he wouldn't make any money with an odd habit like that.  But when the father eventually starts running a gas station, he also makes room on a shelf to show off his many rocks.  As the years pass the economy tanks and so does the gas station.  However, the father's vast knowledge of rocks pays off when he is offered another job.  

Be sure to check out this sweet story of someone who was a true example of just being yourself!  


1 comment:

  1. This also sounds like a good one. And again, it's one our library doesn't carry. Blah.
